Monetization Funnels

Monetization Funnels


Monetzation Breakdown:

Iā€™m going to breakdown each step of my top-to-bottom funnel used to generate 5 figures each month. The process is straightforward, but complex to an extent. Iā€™ll be going through each step as it appears in the funnel. This is the exact order in how it works.

After you go through this module, make sure to implement everything. Please ask questions if you have any.

Creating Content (Top of Funnel): 80% Educational | 20% Promotional

The best way to turn your prospects into paying customers is through organic content.

Iā€™ve been posting organic content for 9 years. It is by far the best way for business growth.

Letā€™s breakdown my content system for monetization:


  • 1x LinkedIn Post | Single Image Post (How to)
  • 2x Twitter Posts | Content from Exclusive Content (Email Content)
  • Educational Content Day (Goal is to Teach, Not Sell)


  • 1x LinkedIn Post | Customer Testimonial
  • 2x Twitter Posts | Content from Exclusive Content (Email Content)
  • Promotional Content Day (Goal is to Sell & Teach)


  • 1x LinkedIn Post | Selfie Post (Story)
  • 2x Twitter Posts | Content from Exclusive Content (Email Content)
  • Educational Content Day (Goal is to Teach, Not Sell)


  • 1x LinkedIn Post | Plug for Wednesday's Newsletter (Link to Post)
  • 2x Twitter Posts | Content from Exclusive Content (Email Content)
  • Educational Content Day (Goal is to Teach, Not Sell)


  • 1x LinkedIn Post | Selfie Post (Story)
  • 2x Twitter Posts | Content from Exclusive Content (Email Content)
  • Educational Content Day (Goal is to Sell & Teach)


  • 1x LinkedIn Post | Single Image Post (How to)
  • 2x Twitter Posts | Content from Exclusive Content (Email Content)
  • Educational Content Day (Goal is to Teach, Not Sell)


  • 1x LinkedIn Post | Plug for Saturday's Newsletter (Link to Post)
  • 2x Twitter Posts | Content from Exclusive Content (Email Content)
  • Educational Content Day (Goal is to Teach, Not Sell)

Iā€™m producing content like a machine. Every day, Iā€™ve got 3 posts being published. Additionally, Iā€™m funneling more prospects from YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. The more platforms you can capitalize on, the better.

So, how does posting this much content actually begin the funnel?


First, your optimized profile. If you havenā€™t gone through the Twitter & LinkedIn modules, make sure to go through those and optimze your profile first. Both of your profiles should include a link to your website. On your website, you should be capturing emails from your audience.

Hereā€™s where Iā€™m at right now: Organic Content ā†’ Optimized Profile

Capturing Emails:

Now that youā€™re posting content and have an optimized profile, the next step is to start owning your audience.

New Followers = Rented Audience (if you get banned, you no longer have access to your followers)

New Emails = Owned Audience (if you get banned, you still have access to your followers emails)

Every social media profile I have sends my prospects to the following page:


Let me break this down:

  • Personalized logo at the top
  • Main text provides an outcome and showcases social proof.
  • Italicized text showcases additional social proof.
  • The ā€œP.S.ā€ adds a personalized touch while explaning what youā€™ll get for free.
  • Below the ā€œP.S.ā€ is my Beehiiv Embed to capture emails.
  • At the very bottom, I showcase additional social proof.

So, in a summarized manner:

  • Social Proof
  • Sell an Outcome
  • Give Free Stuff

The more specific and straightforward you are, the easier it is to sell your prospects on what youā€™re offering.

Hereā€™s where Iā€™m at right now: Organic Content ā†’ Optimized Profile ā†’ Captured Email

Utilizing a Free Lead Magnet:

Once my prospects sign up for my exclusive content (and free 5-day email course) as I showed above, they automatically start receiving my free email course (lead magnet). I setup the complete automation using Beehiiv.

Email Submitted Trigger: When my prospect signs up on my website, the Beehiiv automation trigger adds them into the queue. Iā€™m using 2 separate Embed Sources, one for LinkedIn, and one for Twitter.

If my prospect signs up for my newsletter on LinkedIn, they are added to the ā€œFrom LinkedIn UTMā€ lead magnet.

If my prospect signs up for my newsletter on Twitter, they are added to the ā€œFrom Twitter UTMā€ lead magnet.

The content is personalized depending on their platform.


Email Course + Time Delays: Once my prospect is added into the queue, they are sent two things: Welcome Email and Course Day 1. The welcome email is a generic email that tells them a bit about what to expect. Hereā€™s what it looks like:

Heya - Alex here! Excited to grow alongside you.

To complete your signup:

Reply ā€œOKā€ to this email. Itā€™ll ensure you receive them.

Move this email to your ā€œprimaryā€ inbox if itā€™s in your spam.

Share your link below with other creators. You need 3 referrals to unlock my engagement templates. You currently have 0 referrals.

Hereā€™s what youā€™ll get:

Weekly emails to turn your content into a cash machine.

My monetization funnels, content systems, & more.

My 5-day free email course (youā€™ll get that shortly).

Expect an email in your inbox every Wednesday at the least!

If youā€™re super serious about your online journey - join my private community.

Iā€™m in there chatting every day!

Alexā€™s Private Community

See you soon!


After the Welcome Email, the ā€œCourse Day 1: Optimize Your Profileā€ email is sent to the prospect.

Iā€™ve added a ā€œTime Delayā€ trigger to wait 24 hours until the next email is sent. 24 hours after ā€œCourse Day 1ā€, ā€œCourse Day 2ā€ is sent to my prospect. After another 24 hours, ā€œCourse Day 3ā€. This goes all the way up to Day 5. Hereā€™s what that looks like:


One thing to note: the content in my free 5-day email course is straight value, no bs. I donā€™t try to sell anything, drop promotion codes, or anything like that throughout the course. At the very end of the course, if my prospect opens at least 3 of the emails, they receive my final email, which is the promotional email.

The promotional email contains an offer to my course, coaching program, and client services.

Once my prospect has gone through all of the 5-day email course and promotional email, they are left with my weekly newsletter (exclusive content). Read below:

Sending a Weekly Newsletter (Email Exclusive Content):

Roughly ~35-40% of my prospects that go through the free 5-day email course take action on one of the 3 offerings I have. Iā€™ve testing free guides, eBooks, and all sorts of lead magnets. The email course is by far the top performing free piece of value I have to offer.

When my prospect signed up for my lead magnet at the start, they also opt-in to my Exclusive Content (The Growth Innovator).

  • 1x Email Every Wednesday Morning @ 10 AM CST
  • 1x Email Every Saturday Morning @ 10 AM CST

I keep the same schedule every week. The times never change. The dates never change.

The hardest part of creating a newsletter is the writing process. You can make it much easier by creating a template for each email you write. Hereā€™s what my main newsletter template looks like:


First, the email begins with ā€œread on websiteā€. If you donā€™t like reading directly from your email, you can hop over to my website. This also makes it easier for my prospects to get through my monetization funnels.

Next, I showcase the time it takes to read the newsletter. For this example, read time is 3 minutes. The next line is in every email:

ā€œWelcome to The Growth Innovator. Exclusive content where I showcase my personal systems to help you create better content, make more money, and save 30+ hours a week.ā€

Now, itā€™s time for the body of the email. Each post I send out is seperated into 4 main sections:

  • Todayā€™s Email
  • Alright - Letā€™s Innovate
  • Referrals
  • Additional Offers

If youā€™re using Beehiiv, Iā€™d also highly recommend using the referral program. Itā€™s an easy way to get new subscribers without having to do any extra work. Beehiiv generates a referral link for your audience. Your audience can now send to their friends. Win - win.

ā€œAlex, how do you not run out of ideas to write about for your emails?ā€

You need to create a content deck. I created a GPT specifically for never running out of ideas.

Try It Here:

Hereā€™s the prompt if this works better for you:

Here is my Newsletter Landing Page. It's called "The Growth Innovator".

The link can be found here:

Please go through all of my Subject Lines (Titles) of my past newsletters and create 10 new titles for future editions I can write.

Please keep the following:

  • Start each title with "How I"
  • Use the same tone of voice, word choice, and style.
  • Incorporate numbers

Using AI allows me to allows have ideas to write about. Donā€™t be afriad to repurpose similar ideas youā€™ve posted before. Youā€™re audience doesnā€™t remember your content like you do.

Here is the text at the end of each email I send out:

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
  1. The Growth Operating System: Join 702+ students to create content that actually sells on LinkedIn/š•. This is the system Iā€™m using to build a massive audience and generate $15,000+ / month in revenue. I'll refund 100% of your investment if you're not completely satisfied!
  2. Coaching Session w/ Alex: If youā€™re looking for most efficient way to take your online brand/business to the next level - 1:1 coaching is the way to go. Book a time that works for you and letā€™s take your business to the next level.
  3. Personal Branding & Copywriting Services: I'll write your content, build back-end systems, grow your email list, and scale your online business allowing you to spend more time on the things that matter.

I promote my paid offers in every email without forcing them on anyone. If someone is looking for the solution I have to offer, theyā€™ll naturally be interested to check them out.

Sell, without ā€œsellingā€.

Paid Offer Landing Pages:

With my free lead magnet, optimized profile, and weekly emails to my prospects, theyā€™ve had lots of opportunities to check out my paid offers and become new customers. In order to maximize the possibility of this, you need to optimize and create an awesome landing page.

Let me break mine down:

  • Social Proof
  • Storytelling
  • Idea Behind Product
  • Pricing
  • Testimonials
  • UI/UX

Below is what the front of my course page looks like:


First, Iā€™m selling an outcome, not just a product: ā€œCreate content that boosts your sales and makes you money.ā€

Next, Iā€™m showcasing social proof and another outcome: ā€œJoin 701+ students to create content that actually sells on LinkedIn/š•. This is the system Iā€™m using to build a business that generate $15,000+ / month.ā€

Below that, I have the ā€œGet Instant Accessā€ button. Make it easy for your prospects to purchase your product/service.

At the very bottom, Iā€™ve got more social proof.

As you scroll down the page, youā€™ll find excellent copy like so: ā€œMy systems to build a profitable business (not just a following):ā€


Hereā€™s another: ā€œGo from nothing to growing an dmonetizing your personal brand. Let me hel you make your first $1 online:ā€


Give away knowledge. Sell the implementation.

Be real with your potential customers and showcase exactly what they will expect when purchasing your product/service.

Another important aspect of your landing page is customer testimonials.

So, how do you get them?

Letā€™s say you donā€™t have any. Donā€™t make fake ones and lie about your analytics. This is super obvious and not organic.

Use Discovery Calls. Free Lead Magnets.

Once your audience goes through your lead magnet or finishes a call with you, ask for a testimonial.

Hereā€™s what I do after my free growth calls:

Hey [First Name] - if you have a moment - would appreciate a testimonial for our quick discussion call we had. If I had any impact on your online pursuits, Iā€™d love to throw it up on my website! šŸ‘€ [Testimonial Link Here]

Use - itā€™s super easy to integrate directly into your website.

You can request both text and video testimonials. I recommend the ā€œWall of Loveā€ page as it displays every testimonial you have. You can even customize the colors, style, and background of each one.


Revenue Scripts:

Below you will find the revenue scripts I use to generate extra monthly revenue.

If you are looking for a revenue script that isnā€™t on here, reach out to me on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Discord, and Iā€™ll work with you individually.

Online Course:

The goal here is to drive sales towards the Growth OS Course ā¬‡ļø

You are going to find immense value in The Growth OS Program.

It's a culmination of 8 years of my journey as a founder, distilled into an 8-module comprehensive course. Youā€™ll get thousands of hours' worth of knowledge and experience without spending thousands of hours yourself.

You won't be alone on this journey. Youā€™ll have access to a thriving community of over 200 creators. These are bright minds shaping the future of eCommerce, online courses, coaching, and more.

In this course, I share hands-on tactics that empower creators like you. We'll craft a solid content strategy together, equip you with proven tools and growth playbooks, and clarify your vision. Above all, I'll guide you on how to regain your time, so you can enjoy what truly matters in life.

Check it out right here:

The Growth OS Program is your shortcut to 8 years of creator experience, condensed into video a course. Join a network of 200+ creators, craft your content strategy, and reclaim your time. It's the growth catalyst you need:
What if you could fast-forward through years of trial and error as a creator? The Growth OS course is your time machine. It encapsulates 8 years of my hands-on experience and distilled wisdom into a video course.

But it's more than just a courseā€”it's your gateway into an exclusive community of over 200 like-minded founders. Imagine yourself among leaders in eCommerce, online courses, and coaching, collectively driving each other towards success.

We'll unlock the power of strategic content, equip you with growth tools and playbooks, and hone your vision into focus. And the best part? You'll learn how to master your time, giving you the freedom to enjoy life beyond work.

Don't just dream about growthā€”actualize it. Start your journey here:

Iā€™ve used all three of these scripts. My success rate is roughly 79%. I usually start with a 20-minute consulting call. I then get to understand my potential client- provide them my free resources.

Lastly, Iā€™ll follow up the next day with the script. Remember, once you convert an audience member to a paying customer - treat them like they are your first customer.

In order to get repeat customers, I always follow up asking if my customers have questions, need help with anything, etc. I also upsell other products I have via my paid email list after 1-2 weeks.

If your paid products are packed w/ value, thereā€™s no reason why your current customers wouldnā€™t want to purchase your coaching service, cohort, or whatever else you offer.

Growth OS Newsletter:

The goal here is to get 50,000 newsletter subscribers for The Growth Innovator ā¬‡ļø

Immerse yourself in the wealth of insights and effective systems I reveal in my free weekly newsletter. Subscribing won't cost you anything, but the value you'll derive could be immeasurable. I'm eager to hear what you think.
Every Wednesday, I unravel one business growth tip that could be a game-changer in my newsletter. I believe it could be a valuable addition to your weekly routine.
Unleash business growth every Wednesday with my free tip-packed newsletter. Start benefiting today:

I use these scripts daily.

My success rate is close to 90%. Almost every time I reach out to an individual in my audienceā€¦

They sign-up right away. Personalized outreach goes a long way.


If youā€™d like personalized guidance - there are 2 additional ways I can help you:

1. Coaching Session w/ Alex: If youā€™re looking for most efficient way to take your online brand/business to the next level - 1:1 coaching is the way to go. Book a time that works for you and letā€™s take your business to the next level.

2. Personal Branding & Copywriting Services: I'll write your content, build back-end systems, grow your email list, and scale your online business allowing you to spend more time on the things that matter.

Create your own block here and then drag and drop to the layout above!

Brought to you by Talentpreneur Academy @2023