Threads Framework

Threads Framework

Make sure to go through the video AND material below - NOT only the video. There is a lot of content frequently added to this course - as well as additional systems you can implement. Enjoy!

Threads are one of the most powerful types of content you can post on X.

Just by posting 2x threads every week. For me, on Wednesday and Saturday.

You are guaranteed so see growth.

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

Using Hypefury for Threads:

The Hypefury Full-Screen feature allows you to make threads effortlessly. When you are writing your thread - press the ā€œEnterā€ key three times and youā€™ll automatically be typing the next subtweet. You can view on the right how your thread looks. You can also automatically add a ā€œThread Finisherā€ (last part of thread that gets you more reposts).


How to Make a Viral Thread:

If you want to make a thread that stands out, your writing needs to stand out.

There are 5 main parts to the threads I write to make them perform 10x better:

  • Clarity
  • Hook
  • Body
  • Closer
  • CTA

Clarity + Readability:

The thread opener is the most important part of the thread.

This starts with the clarity and readability of the opener. If itā€™s not readable in a few seconds, people will keep scrolling.

Refer to my post below:

The formatting of your posts is very important.

Notice how Iā€™ve spaced out the main points of the post? I use a 1-3 rule. One main line, then three short lines.

[ One-Liner ] [ Short One-Liner ] [ Short One-Liner ] [ Short One-Liner ] [ One-Liner ]

It keeps the flow of my post extremely easy to read and engage with.

When youā€™re writing a thread, utilize the same structure.

Remove as much fluff as you can. If a word isnā€™t 100% necessary, take it out. Get your audience from Point A to Point B, FAST.

The Hook:

The next part is your hook.

Hooks are important for any type of content, especially threads. Your tasks it to be relatable.

Make your reader curious about the topic. Get them excited to stop scrolling.


ā€œI donā€™t care how smart you areā€.

This caught the attention of my audience. Itā€™s a controversial statement to start with. But itā€™s also one that is relatable.

Put yourself in your audience's position, what would they think when reading your hook?

Hereā€™s another example:


This thread performed very well.

I have a large entrepreneur audience - which means this was very relatable. I showcased my experience of 7 years. And hooked readers with the ā€œEvery piece of adviceā€ line. Donā€™t overcomplicate hooks.

If you want to get inspiration from hooks that have performed very well in your niche - you can use my framework below to create better hooks using ChatGPT:

Here are 5 hooks that have performed very well on Twitter: [Hook from Creator 1] [Hook from Creator 2] [Hook from Creator 3] [Hook from Creator 4] [Hook from Creator 5] A hook should do the following: - Capture Attention - Engage Readers - Spark Conversation - Create an Unknown - Address a Problem + Hint a Solution - Include No Emojis - Include Simple Word Choice (no confusing jargon) Based on the following hooks I provided and what I hook should include above, I need you to create three different hooks for my upcoming Twitter thread. Hereā€™s the hook Iā€™m currently using: [Insert Current Hook]

To break this down for you, simply provide well performing hooks from your favorite creators.

Then address what hook you are currently using to train GPT on the subject matter of your thread. Youā€™ll need to play around with this and see what works. Feel free to add more items in the ā€œshould do the followingā€ list based on requirements of your thread content.

The Content (Body)

Now for the body of your thread.

Avoid creating threads that anyone could write. Whatā€™s the best way to do that? Write about your past experiences, your journey.

Here are some examples of your experience:

  • Wins + Losses
  • Personal Journey
  • Milestones
  • Setbacks
  • Lessons + Realizations
  • The list goes onā€¦

You are unique because no one else is living your life, take advantage of that in your writing.

Hereā€™s an example one of my recent threads:

Here are 6 methods I've tested to make $10,000+ / month:


Here are 6 methods to make $10,000+ / month:

Do you see what I did there?

Utilize the word ā€œIā€ and ā€œHereā€™s How Iā€ in your threads.

Personalize your content. Make them yours. Share your story.

If you create a thread that has emotional connection with your audience - it will perform well.

Donā€™t forget to ask for ā€œBookmarksā€ in the beginning of your thread. This will boost your threads the more bookmarks you get (add an image from your profile similar to how I did posted below):

Bookmark the post above so you can [Insert Additional Text]. [Insert Additional Info]

The Closer:

Now for the end of your thread.

Once your audience is done readingā€¦ Will they keep scrolling? Or engage with your post?

The closing liner of your thread needs to be a conclusion or solution to your main point.

If you presented a challenge or question at the beginning of your thread. Answer it at the end of your thread. Donā€™t leave your thread open for confusion.

Hereā€™s an example of a closer I wrote for a recent thread:


After all the information I provided in the thread, I ended with 3 takeaways that my audience can focus on.

This way no one is left ā€œempty-handedā€ once theyā€™ve taken the time to read through your entire post.

Call-to-Action (CTA):

Every thread should have a CTA.

This is where you ask your audience something.

Hereā€™s a few CTAs that work well in a thread:

  • Ask for a Repost
  • Link a Newsletter
  • Post Free Products

Iā€™d focus on capturing an email - donā€™t try to sell people anything that quickly.


Feel free to use my current CTA on most of my threads:

I hope you learned something from this thread. 1. Follow me @[your username] & retweet the tweet below. 2. My DMs are open - reach out if you need anything.

Long-Form Posts:

If you want to experiment with another form of content, try long-form posts.

With X Premium, you can practically post your entire newsletter. But the formatting is important if you want people to read it.

Hereā€™s an example of this:

The longer people view your post, the better it will perform. Experiment with threads and long-form posts. See what works well and what doesnā€™t. Remember, formatting is everything. You can bold and italicize words. Take advantage of this.

Keep improving and learn as you go. Remember, you wonā€™t nail your first thread. Or your second. Or third.

I wrote over 40+ threads that got 20 likes.

Now, Iā€™m seeing 100+ likes on many of my threads. Practice your writing style. Practice your writing format.

Youā€™ll see growth in no time.


If youā€™d like personalized guidance - there are 2 additional ways I can help you:

1. Coaching Session w/ Alex: If youā€™re looking for most efficient way to take your online brand/business to the next level - 1:1 coaching is the way to go. Book a time that works for you and letā€™s take your business to the next level.

2. Personal Branding & Copywriting Services: I'll write your content, build back-end systems, grow your email list, and scale your online business allowing you to spend more time on the things that matter.